
5 top languages for programming blockchains

Which programming language should you use for blockchain development? It's the most common question many businesses ask themselves when deciding which programming language to adopt for blockchain development projects.


Varun Bhagat

2 years ago | 3 min read

Blockchain has been around since 2009, and it’s been gaining popularity as of late. While the technology behind blockchain isn’t difficult to understand, you still need to program your own blockchain if you want to be successful in this industry. In this article, we’ll look at five top blockchain languages that can help you program blockchains efficiently and with ease. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a developer looking to learn how to code blockchains or a blockchain programmer looking to learn a new language, these languages will give you the edge you need to make your business thrive in the blockchain industry.

1) Go

Go is a compiled, statically typed language developed at Google in 2007 by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. Go boasts clean syntax and fast compilation times thanks to its C-like compiler. Go compiles to machine code when building native executables on POSIX systems or JavaScript when compiling to an equivalent distributed bytecode format known as merf that is executed in a virtual machine. While Go lacks a formal specification, it has an open source testing framework called go test that provides coverage analysis along with fuzz testing and structural typing. It's also equipped with automatic memory management via garbage collection (GC) although can be controlled manually via low-level system calls such as codice_1 and codice_2.

2) Python

This is one of the most popular programming languages out there, and it’s also used by many blockchain developers. Many people even use Python to create cryptocurrencies—and it’s easy to see why. Easy to learn, powerful features, and consistent syntax make Python a great first language choice if you want to start coding on a blockchain. Plus, it has libraries built in that make building a cryptocurrency almost too easy! If you want an example of how powerful Python can be for creating cryptocurrencies by Blockchain companies in India, take a look at Nxt or Hyperledger Fabric.

3) JavaScript

While most people think of JavaScript as a front-end language, it’s also very useful in developing applications that interact with blockchains. As an open source, cross-platform language, JavaScript is also ideal for business settings. Its popularity has made it easy to find experts who can build blockchain apps with it. One potential downside of using JavaScript is that support across various systems isn’t uniform; newer standards aren’t yet supported by some browsers or old versions of iOS. That said, there are already frameworks available to help you work around these obstacles so they shouldn’t be deal breakers when choosing your tools. And since web developers are used to working around inconsistencies in browser support, writing blockchain applications in JavaScript won’t pose much difficulty.

4) Java

In order to create a custom cryptocurrency, you need to be familiar with Java. But not only that – you also need extensive knowledge of cryptography and data security. However, if your end goal is a cryptocurrency, then knowing Java is a must-have skill for blockchain development. That’s because nearly all cryptocurrencies are created on a modified version of the open source platform Ethereum – and most of them use Solidity as their primary programming language. Solidity was designed specifically for writing smart contracts – applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference.

5) C++

The C++ language was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs. It was originally designed to give C (its predecessor) object-oriented capabilities. C++ can be used to develop programs or applications that run on multiple platforms without recompilation. It is also suited for tasks that require parallel computing due to its use of templates, lambda functions and classes. The program can be compiled with different compilers, such as GCC and Microsoft Visual Studio, to target Windows OS, Linux OS or Apple OSX. More than 2 million people use it around the world today, according to Stack Overflow surveys.


So what’s next? These are just some of the most common questions people have. It’s hard to choose a single language, but it is easy to see that many of them are compatible with each other. After all, there are pros and cons to every programming language, and it comes down to personal preference.


Created by

Varun Bhagat







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