
5 ways of becoming more efficient

Efficiency is a cultivable skill


Bhavana BP

3 years ago | 1 min read

Do you often get into the zone – So much to do, so little time? I was a frequent visitor there. Not anymore. I learnt what was holding me back from achieving what I could.

Here’s a 5 point approach that I followed that helped me on my path:

  1. Self-awareness – Be aware of your mindset and the resources you have on hand. Mind is where we live the most. Keeping it positive goes a long way. Look at the bigger picture and then find finer details.
  2. Create your goal list – State your objectives clearly so that you know what you want to accomplish. If you know where you want to end up, it’s a lot easier to figure out how to get there.
  3. Set priorities – Once you have your objectives set, it is good to prioritize so that you know what’s important and which ones to work on first.
  4. Stay focussed – Avoid distractions by clearing your mind of all negativities, staying positive, and understanding why you are working on those objectives. Getting to know the ‘WHY’ helps you in focussing better as you have a motive to strive towards.
  5. Get things done – Allocate time for each of your objectives, establish interim goals, review regularly, and ask for help when needed.


Created by

Bhavana BP

2xAuthor (Amazon Best Seller) | Coach | Thought Leader | INSPIRE.INFLUENCE.IMPACT | People.Wellness.DIB.Change.Transformation |







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