
The benefits of lazy loading for a website

Efficient use of lazy loading can help you improve your bounce rate and conversion rates for first-time visits just by improving how your site loads up initially.


Sangam Adhikari

3 years ago | 1 min read

Lazy loading is a technique for loading web pages after they are needed.

Web designers use this technique to improve the load time of their websites and to prevent unnecessary downloads that will only be used for pages the user never sees.

Lazy loading doesn't change how quickly webpage loads, but instead it manages what content is loaded in order to decrease load time.

The website's individual items are loaded when the visitor scrolls down or looks closely at an item on the page, which minimizes bandwidth usage and avoids long waiting times as you scroll or click around

Lazy loading is a technique for reducing the initial load times of your website.

It uses Javascript to delay loading different portions of the site until they are needed when the user scrolls down below them on screen.

For example, you might put an advertisement at the top of a page but lazy load more visible content nearer to where users will be scrolling to avoid waiting for all layers of a page's content to download before getting started reading what they're interested in.

Efficient use of lazy loading can help you improve your bounce rate and conversion rates for first-time visits just by improving how your site loads up initially.

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The Other benefits include:

  • Better ad viewability.
  • Page weight goes down.
  • Website performance goes up.
  • CPU and memory usage goes down
  • The Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) score will be improved.
  • Reducing bounce rate.
  • Reduce the server stress as there are fewer requests from the visitor.
  • Time to first contentful paint (TTFP) and time to interactive (TTI) go down


Created by

Sangam Adhikari







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