
Building Brand on Instagram and Youtube - Beginner’s Guide

Read on for actionable brand-building insights!


Varun sharma

3 years ago | 3 min read

While Instagram has 1 billion monthly active users, over 2 billion people use Youtube on a monthly basis for entertainment & learning. This makes these two social platforms highly relevant for businesses of every size. There are already thousands of blogs on ‘how to market on Instagram and Youtube’ but very few bring simple tips and ideas that small businesses & beginners can use.

With this blog created in collaboration with the marketing team at Upreports, I will share simple tips, ideas, and hacks to build your brand on Instagram and Youtube.

This brand building guide is also perfect for professionals and brands that haven’t yet made a mark on social media!

Read on for actionable brand-building insights:

Brand building with Instagram

1. Make your official Instagram profile and share amazing clicks related to your business. Write a bio that truly represents your business.

2. Before posting, think about your target audience and imagine what kind of content they would like to see.

3. The majority of Instagram users are under 35 and they consume a lot of visual content. So, you have to deliver amazing photos & videos.

4. Show your audience behind-the-scenes shots. Share photos of your workplace, team, and also clients.

5. Start posting on Instagram regularly since consistency is the key to success. Make a 2-week content calendar to streamline the flow.

6. Use emojis, creative captions, and of course IG filters. You can win Instagram even if you are not an ace photographer!

7. Convert testimonials into images and share them on Insta. Or share photos of clients with testimonial in the text body. This will establish your authority and help sell.

8. Use hashtags to discover future customers and connect with them. Hashtags will give your content a wider reach. While at it, create a hashtag related to your company name too!

9. Follow popular accounts of your industry to discover new ways to engage your audience. Steal the ideas from the best in the industry!

10. Last but not the least, use the Stories feature frequently since IG users are spending a lot of time on it.

Ask any social media marketing agency and they will totally upvote the above brand building and growth ideas for Instagram. Now let’s get down to Youtube.

Brand building with Youtube

1. Create an official YouTube channel for your business and optimize it for your brand name. Write an impressive description for the About section & add the business logo.

2. Make an initial base of videos related to your business. The first one can be Business Introduction video. The next one can be related to your top-performing products. And the next can be a DIY video!

3. Conduct research to identify questions that your audience is struggling with. Try to answer them through short videos and publish them online.

4. Share your YouTube videos in relevant online communities and social platforms to get wider visibility for your channel.

5. If you have the bucks, invest in Youtube ads to promote business. Ads are playing a major role in business generation on the popular video-sharing platform.

6. Widen the reach of your Youtube videos by sharing them on blogging platforms through embedding. Youtube videos embed in Quora too!

7. If you are introducing a new product or started work on a big project, create a quick video about it. It will communicate that you are on a roll!

8. Post video testimonials from your satisfied customers/clients. They will go on to become huge brand assets online.

9. Invest in a Brand Story video and publish it on YouTube. Embed it on your website too and distribute it on social media.

10. Tell your friends, family, and customers to subscribe to your Youtube channel. Those numbers won’t go up on their own!

If you are just starting your Youtube and Instagram journey, these tips and ideas will help you move in the right direction. Need more brand-building wisdom? Check out this online brand building guide for 80 more kickass ideas.

Keep growing!


Created by

Varun sharma







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