
Email Marketing for Business: The Ultimate Guide (Part One)

The first part of a comprehensive guide to email marketing. Don't miss out on the only guide you need to make email marketing work for you and your business.


Sahail Ashraf

3 years ago | 1 min read

With thanks to Adam Solomon via Unsplash
With thanks to Adam Solomon via Unsplash

This is the first part of our Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing for Business.

A lot is going to be covered. We’re going to start off with a simple question.

Why email marketing?

The most compelling reasons you should make email marketing one of your priorities are:

Fully 99% of consumers email is checked out on a daily basis. It’s very much the most popular communication channel between brand and consumer. It’s still trusted and used by millions of people.

In fact there are 4 billion plus email users daily (HubSpot).

You have ownership. It’s important to remember that you own your email list. No one else does. You might have a huge list of Followers on Twitter but imagine if Twitter changed it’s algorithm tonight and you lost 10% of your Followers. How about 20%?

It converts. And like nothing else. The average open rate for emails across all industries is an incredible 19.8%. (Constant Contact, 2021). That makes it one of the very best ways to drive revenue.

It has a wider reach than social

Everyone who is online has their own email address. That’s just the way it is. They also have a high level of control over their email address. It feels safer.

Compare this with social media, where there have been more data breaches than we can count over the last three years or so, and you can understand why more emails get opened and read than social media posts. People are just a little more wary of social now, and email feels…trustworthy.

It brings the biggest ROI too

We thought we’d get perhaps the most important reason why you should use email marketing for business right here at the end. Marketers keep finding that email simply returns the most money against any investment.

In fact, for every $1 spent on email marketing, the ROI is $38 (Campaign Monitor).

In our next post in this guide, we will look at how to build an email list.


Created by

Sahail Ashraf

I am a writer for brands. I create copy that drives revenue and helps businesses grow. I also run an amazing website called







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