
Fishing Barents Sea King Crab Update V1 3 2 1843-PLAZA ((FREE))

Fishing Barents Sea King Crab Update V1 3 2 1843-PLAZA ((FREE))


Mike Fountas

a year ago | 1 min read

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The salmon, caught on the east coast, is yet mostly taken, as on the west coast, by nets.The use of those nets, however, as said before, has led to the disappearance of thewhite-backed and many of the rayed. The net in general is a frame-structure of thin strips ofwood, iron, copper, or other metal, closely habited, and embedded in slats which standup to the surface. It is attached to the shore by weighted lines, which, if cut by thefish, cause it to sink and lie in a pool which permits of the escape of the fish. Thenewest improvement is a simple affair, consisting of a number of folds or coils of stoutthread extending from the shore outwards, with a single bar at its mouth which bears thenet. The usual bar is a trestle-trolly, and the folds being wound around it are fastened insome way to the ground. The fish is allowed to scramble out, when the fold is raised,and the fisherman standing immediately above it, with a slight jerk of the hand,the drag-tension or pull of the lead by the line gives the fish the requisite purchaseto enable it to climb out against its natural inclination to drown. The improved nets maybe compared to a beehive; they are raised by the sides being bent inward, and having a conicalend at the top, with a horse’s head and one or two horses’ feet in front ofit. The disadvantage of the net is, that more than one fish may be caught in one ofthen, perhaps, and, as the folds of the nets carry them over each other, the chances forescape are infinitely small. They are renewed at intervals.
Salmon nets are carried out to the same extent as are nets on the east coast, but theynever catch red salmon, and are used chiefly for salt-water Fishing. Instead of beinghauled up, they are wound round dock-poles; but the place for which they are intendedis so high that fishermen are obliged to climb up, sometimes four or five stories. Thewicker-baskets or lobster-pots are, of course, employed, and also the small dinghy,which is used in many instances for fishing the seine. a0fb89163a


Created by

Mike Fountas







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