
Five Critical Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in 2023

Amplify your B2B marketing efforts by being aware of and avoiding these five common mistakes.


Gerri Knilans

a year ago | 3 min read

When it comes to marketing your B2B business, it's easy to make mistakes that can derail your growth strategies. You could even be making critical mistakes without even realizing it. Watch your marketing efforts drastically improve by being aware of and avoiding these five mistakes.

Mistake #1: Ignoring the Data 

The ability to measure the impact of marketing efforts can be both a blessing and a curse. Some marketers obsess over data, measure every imaginable KPI, focus on the wrong metrics or fail to leverage data insights altogether.

How to avoid it: If you aren't regularly testing your marketing efforts, reviewing analytics and adjusting programs as needed, you are missing a prime opportunity to grow and boost engagement and conversions. Test a variety of variables, including keyword variations, landing pages, button colors, call-to-action language, social media platforms and email subject lines…the possibilities are endless! It's also critical to accurately track your progress. If you don't document and track the performance of your efforts, you'll never know if you are on the right path.

Mistake #2: Forgetting the Importance of Distribution

You've spent so much time and energy creating relevant content for your target audiences. Now you need to make sure it reaches them! Without a thorough content distribution plan in place, that amazing white paper or blog post will disappear.

How to avoid it: There are many different types of content that B2B marketers create, and each type needs its own distribution plan. Start by determining the appropriate channel(s) for each type of content. From there, develop the messaging that works for that platform and audience. Finally, identify the right frequency for each type and platform (see our recommendations here).

Remember to assess and adjust your distribution strategy as needed. One approach might perform well for a few months, then stop working. Other strategies might perform better with different content types. Assess engagement and then fine-tune your distribution plan.

Mistake #3: Not Making Time for Learning

Marketing is an ever-changing arena, and it's crucial to keep up with new trends. Without continuous learning and professional development, marketers can get stuck in old patterns, struggle with new technologies and limit personal and organizational success.

How to avoid it: To make regular learning a breeze, incorporate these simple low-effort habits in your daily life. Browse email newsletters over your morning coffee—daily digests from Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs make it easy to stay abreast of what's happening in the B2B marketing world. Consider pursuing a free certification such as Google Ads or Google Analytics. Join a local chapter of a professional marketing organization, such as the American Marketing Association. Network with other marketing professionals you respect—even a monthly or quarterly coffee break with a fellow marketer could refresh and inspire you.

Mistake #4: Producing Company-Centric Content 

Too often, B2B marketing content follows this messaging formula: “We are company ABC, and we offer XYZ services. We have more than 30 years of experience and are better than all our competitors. We are the absolute best and doing ‘this’ and ‘that.’ Contact us today!” Your target audiences don't care how great your company is. What matters to them is how you solve your customers' needs and pain points. To be successful in the B2B marketplace, it is essential to prove your company’s expertise in addressing common or not-so-common challenges. At the same time, there is a fine balance between establishing your thought leadership and being self-serving.

How to avoid it: To create customer-centric content that is meaningful and valuable to your target audiences, ask yourself the following questions. What nagging problems keep our prospects and customers up at night? How do our solutions make their lives easier? How can our company help them reach their short- and long-term goals? How will our products or services help improve their performance, productivity or profitability? Then, focus on creating content that answers the questions your audience is asking and provides solutions to their biggest problems.

Mistake #5: Failing to Plan

Not having a solid, written marketing plan is the biggest mistake a company can make. A failure to plan is a surefire plan for failure. Operating without a marketing plan can lead to reactive marketing, weak results, additional stress and unnecessary costs.

How to avoid it: If you don't have a documented strategy in place, it's not too late! January is the perfect time to reevaluate and refresh your marketing plan with goals, strategies, tactics and more. Use our simple template to create your strategic marketing plan.

Learn from the Past to Create a Better Future

If you've already made one or more of these common mistakes, don't panic! Making mistakes is inevitable, especially when you try new things or push existing boundaries. Recognizing these common B2B marketing mistakes and knowing how to avoid and rectify them are essential to content marketing success. If you need help identifying and fixing B2B marketing mistakes, let’s talk. Schedule a call with one of our experts today.


Created by

Gerri Knilans

Gerri Knilans is president of Trade Press Services. As marketing communications strategists, serving organizations of all sizes and types since 1995, the company provides B2B writing, media outreach and general marketing support to help clients accelerate growth and generate more visibility, credibility and name recognition in their marketplaces. For additional information, please visit or send an email to







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