
The importance of the font in visual communication

Visual communication is a fundamental component of our days. In every single activity of our daily life, visual communication is present.


Vivek Bishnoi

a year ago | 2 min read

Visual communication is a fundamental component of our days. In every single activity of our daily life, visual communication is present.

The most important feature of writing is that a message is conveyed through it. The recipient of such a message must be able to understand it as quickly and easily as possible.

The choice of fonts

Fonts are not symbols that represent voices, they are communication tools with cognitive qualities that help tell stories. As a result, designers focus not only on what is being said, but also how the message is conveyed.

A Graphic Designer can increase the strength of a message through visual interventions.Let us analyse the word “poverty” below:

A simple word has a recognized meaning

Using a bold background adds strength to the message

Turning a letter vertically can mean lack of education caused by poverty

In this example, the letter “o” is replaced by a coin, associating poverty with money or the absence of it.

Choosing a “childish” font show that poverty affects children above all

Typographic colour

Along with visuals like photos and graphics, writing can also add colour to the page. Since each font has different weights, widths, quoting shapes, and spacing, each page can be coloured differently.

In the example to the side we see the difference between the same letter of the same size written in Garamond and Helvetica.

The harmony of style

The written style depicted affects how a message is perceived by the brain.The characters that make up writing are powerful communication tools because the cognitive figures contained in them allow meanings to be passed in many different dimensions than just visual elements.

Cognitive perception affects everything we perceive, keep that in mind.

The Graphic Designer must consider both the cognitive and the visual aspects when communicating in a written way.

The white area

The empty, unused area surrounding graphics and written items is called the white area.The white area provides the space that helps the different design elements to breathe and is defined as "the lung of good design".In a context of harmonious style, the white area must be used to the fullest.

Types of fonts

The fonts have been catalogued in groups in order to facilitate their basic recognition:


The upper and lower part of the letters have orthogonal extensions at the ends, called graces. These lines ensure that all the letters are balanced with each other and facilitate the transition from one letter to another, the letters are somehow continuous, connected.

This group includes subgroups such as:

  • Roman
  • Classic romance
  • New Roman
  • Square serif
  • Round serifs etc.

The significant difference lies in the thickness of the lines and the shapes of the graces.

This font group is chosen for long texts, as it is the fi font family with the best legibility.


This font group is sans serif. The end of the letters is dry. The thickness of the letters is the same. They are fonts that can be used in any type of text. It is similar to slab serif.

This type of writing is divided into subgroups:

  • Gothic
  • Single line sans serif

In the Gothic specification the letters have different thickness in the lines, especially the curved parts of the letters are thinner.Single line sans-serifs, on the other hand, do not have lines of different thicknesses. These are preferred for headlines as they are easily readable even from a distance.


Created by

Vivek Bishnoi







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