
Medieval Ii Total War English Localized Pack |TOP|

Medieval Ii Total War English Localized Pack |TOP|


Helene Ezajcevq

a year ago | 2 min read



Alex: When I was making these patches, I was already quite used to doing work for export market, so I had that capacity ingrained in my routine. So yes, at least for me personally, everything turned out fine. Only thing was I had to work from the UK and it meant doing a lot of shipping from the UK to the US, changing jobs at NewGrounds a few times to get suitable holidays to make the journey. We got the game done within schedule and my skillset was excellent but I don't know how difficult it is to get the same quality of writing, adjusting to Japanese markets while working from home. In retrospect I don't think there's anything we did that I think is particularly bad, but I didn't know it would sell eight million copies. Plus I haven't been back to Japan in over 20 years.
This is one of those rare case where a localized script almost caused a crack in the facade of the game, for instance the end of the game had a big dramatic scene with the liberation of the country and the end of seige and invasion. If that script was done in-house, they would probably have missed all the details of the king, his advisors, the castle, the towns and the army. The script was mostly authorship from John, I was only responsible for the dialogue and events setting up the interactions.
USG: You've got a busy schedule, so I'll give a quick summary of my questions. Questions to Aidan: You guys aren't really developed countries, how did the game development staff deal with the other countries' cultures. How did the language skills of the writers evolve over time? Did you have a schedule you worked to, or did you just do your best to do it on your own time? How would you assess the quality of writing over time? And a question only for you, Swansong: I'm curious how much of your work got folded into the in-game writing, if not all.
We can install the Aztecs in Medieval II: Total War with the Kingdoms (or Americas) expansion to get their original language, if we install Nativisation: Americas. The Nunnery factions: Brotherhood of the North & (The) Salamanca Army will play either a British, American, French or German accent for all three minor factions provided you have that expansion.As for the Factions rumoured to be in the game, (but who hasn't already been confirmed...)think you can guess which ones will be British, French, German, Italian, Russian or American?Nope?well that is because they aren't confirmed. a0fb89163a


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Helene Ezajcevq







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