
Must-Have Java Developer Skills

Explore all the core skills required to be a top-class Java developer.



3 years ago | 1 min read

A Java Developer is responsible for the design, development, and management of Java-based applications. Because Java is used so widely, particularly by large organizations, the daily roles vary widely but can include owning a particular application or working on several at one time.

Firstly, are we talking about Java developers or Java engineers? Engineers vs devs is a common debate in the IT world. As a swiftly changing field, many IT experts say titles don’t matter – the job description and responsibilities do.

While a Java developer/engineer may be focused solely on app development that uses the Java language, a title like software developer or software engineer could mean working with multiple languages or on specific customer-centric software that may not be Java-based.

There is an eclectic amount of java developer skills, from a thorough understanding of the basics to adapting to the latest developments. Java developers also need knowledge beyond the language itself, including how the development process works and how to navigate the environments in which the code runs.

One of the primary requirements is to complete a Bachelors’s/Masters’s Degree in Computer Science / Information Technology with a focus on software development. The secondary requirement is to complete an online or offline course specializing in Core and Advanced Java.

Skills Needed

  • Core Java
  • Relational Databases and Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
  • Java Build Tools
  • Java Web Frameworks
  • Application Containers
  • Java Testing Tools
  • Big Data
  • Java EE Components
  • Principles of SOLID


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