
Simple Query Search in Node Express API

A simple tutorial on how to create a simple query search in Node Express API



2 years ago | 3 min read

REST API has become one of the most use protocol for building and integrating application software. It is most referred to as RESTful API which stands for REpresentational State Transfer Application Programming Interface. My interest is to show how we can create a search query in a REST API. Let me take you on a ride.

Installing Node

Launch your preferred IDE, am using VSCode in my case and enter the code to initiate a node package.npm init --yAfter a successful installation of node package, next we have to install the necessary dependencies. The code below installs our needed dependencies.npm i expressnpm i nodemon --save-devYou might want to know why the nodemon has a different installation command, YES that's because we only need it just for development purpose but if our application is to be hosted it won't be needed as the keyword node will be used as a command to run our application. We have successfully install node and the necessary dependencies that is need, lets dive to our main focus.

Creating a Server

The first thing to do is to create a file that our codebase would will live. Get to the terminal and create a file named "server.js".touch server.jsThe file will be created at the explorer nav of your VSCode, all you need is to double click on it to open.


We required our express library in our file so as to make use of its handle helper functions. Next, we created a port on which our server will run. Now that we have access to the express library an instantiation of it with a variable name "app" was declared to make usage appealing but note the variable name is self define which means you can make a declaration of your choice of name.An array of dummy/static data was created for the students containing their information then we created a default route that throws a welcome message as a response to the user.

Finally, we used the instance of express declared as "app" to point to the listen() method to make sure that the server is successfully up and running.

Let's run our server to make sure we are on the right track.npm startThe above code was made possible because we edited the scripts in the package.json file as follows:

"scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1", "start": "nodemon server.js" },

Next, we have to request to the server using POSTMAN. Enter http://localhost:2021 in the URL provided and make sure the method is set to GET then hit enter or click on the send button. The result is shown below. 👇️

Query Search

Now that we have our server and responds running, it is time to write our route for searching specific information.

app.get("/student", async (req, res) => { try{ const userQuery = await req.query; const filteredStudent = await studentInformations.filter((info)=>{ let isValid = true; for(key in userQuery) { isValid = isValid && info[key] === userQuery[key]; } return isValid; }); res.json({data: filteredStudent}) }catch(err){ res.send(err.message) }});

Brief explanation of sample code: First we get the user request passed as a parameter on the URL then filter the database objects based on key after which we loop through the database objects and check if any of the object key from the loop matches what is passed by the user in the URL and finally every matched object is now filtered and returned as a response to the user.


We want to show all student that took a "Frontend" course. This request would be sent http://localhost:2021/student?course=Frontend

That's all. Hope this helps you hit the like icon and comment for clarity if there is any. You can get the complete source code from my GitHub repo here

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An enthusiast of technology, learning new things and passing knowledge in the most simples way. I love watching football outside technology.







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