
Targeted Marketing with Machine Learning

Improve marketing campaign profit using Data Science techniques


Rodolfo Saldanha

3 years ago | 7 min read


  • Context
  • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
  • Outlier Detection
  • Feature Engineering
  • Feature Selection
  • Data Modeling
  • Conclusion


Marketing is one of the most important things a business can do. Not only does marketing build brand awareness, but it can also increase sales, grow businesses, and engage customers.

On the other hand, marketing is also a generous source of expenses, and the investment in this segment should be well thought. Improving the profit margin is a constant concern to most of the companies, but what they are not aware of is that investing in the Data Science sector is a great way of doing that.

Mass marketing tends to be expensive and not so efficient because it normally does not consider the consumer profile, and the cost of the contact goes to waste, thus the profit decreases. As a solution for this issue, we have targeted marketing, which tends to be more effective.

Targeted marketing typically provides specific information and incentives to people, giving them a reason to choose that company over competitors in the same industry.

This approach identifies an audience likely to buy services or products and promotes those services or products to that audience. Once these key groups are recognized, companies develop marketing campaigns and specific products for those preferred market segments.

When marketing is relevant, people are more likely to spend money on that service or product, and this whole process can be achieved through Machine Learning techniques.

In this article, we will analyze the data of a fictitious company to select approachable customers and increase the profit of a marketing campaign. Any questions related to the code, you can find my work here.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

The dataset contains 29 attributes from customers related to their personal information, amount spent in each segment, participation in previous marketing campaigns, and whether the client accepted or not this campaign (the target that we want to predict).


Figure 1 — First rows of the dataset

The number of missing values in the dataset is very low, which is great.

Figure 2 — Number of missing values

It is possible to see that we have some categorical values, so let’s explore these attributes and check if they have meaningful information.

Figure 3 — Table of categories’ discrimination ability

The discrimination ability stands for how well the category correlates to the target, and it is also important to check if the class has a significant number of data points. We arbitrarily set the discrimination ability and the n amount of observations as 15% and 40, respectively.

Some of the categories with low discrimination ability or not a significant number of observations will be clustered together to facilitate the model learn because they often bias the learning process.

Generally speaking, no category stands out having a high percentage of discrimination ability and a significant number of observations.

We create a new category NumberOff, which represents the number of offsprings to see if it has a better discrimination ability, but this is not the case.

Figure 4 — Discrimination ability of categories

Now is the time to have a better understanding of the discreet attributes. We are going to check for constant variables by measuring the standard deviation, and also verify inconsistent values.

std = data[feat_n].describe().iloc[2,:]
const_lab = [std[std<0.05].index[0], std[std<0.05].index[1]]

These two variables will be dropped since they are constants. Observations with age above 90 years will be dropped as well, since it is not likely that they are real values.

data[(2020 - data["Year_Birth"])>90]

Let’s observe the correlation matrix of the discreet variables.

Figure 5— Correlation matrix

And the values distribution according to the campaign response.

Figure 6— Values distribution by target

Outlier Detection

Through the use of the IsolationForest algorithm, from scikit-learn, we can calculate the anomaly score of each point of the numerical features and, then, search for outliers.

Red areas indicate where the probability of observations existing there is low. The blue line, representing the anomaly score, tends to be similar to the distribution of the variable.

Figure 7 — Anomaly detection using IsolationForest

After splitting the data into train and test set, we can search for outliers.

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_splitX_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(data, data["Response"], test_size=0.3,random_state=seeds[0])

There are several forms to detect outliers, but we are going to use here the Mahalanobis distance to find multivariate outliers. The Euclidian distance is known to fail to find outliers when dealing with multi-dimensional data. So we use the Mahalanobis Distance, because, since it uses the Eigenvalues of the variables instead of the original axis, it can make something similar to a feature scaling.

Simply putting, it calculates the distance of each point to the center of mass measured in standard deviations through the inverted covariance matrix. With these functions we can find the rows which represent multivariate outliers and remove them.

# The function to calculate the Mahalanobis Distance. Returns a list of distances.
def MahalanobisDist(data):
covariance_matrix = np.cov(data, rowvar=False)
if is_pos_def(covariance_matrix):
inv_covariance_matrix = np.linalg.inv(covariance_matrix)
if is_pos_def(inv_covariance_matrix):
vars_mean = []
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
diff = data - vars_mean
md = []
for i in range(len(diff)):
return md
print("Error: Inverse of Covariance Matrix is not positive definite!")
print("Error: Covariance Matrix is not positive definite!")

# Function to detect multivariate outliers from the Mahalanobis Distances. Returns an array of indexes of the outliers.
def MD_detectOutliers(data, extreme=False):
MD = MahalanobisDist(data)

std = np.std(MD)
k = 3. * std if extreme else 2. * std
m = np.mean(MD)
up_t = m + k
low_t = m - k
outliers = []
for i in range(len(MD)):
if (MD[i] >= up_t) or (MD[i] <= low_t):
outliers.append(i) # index of the outlier
return np.array(outliers)

Feature Engineering

Now, to compare features according to their value, we can extract new features from the ones we already have to search for better features. We will create all the new features and will compare and rank them afterward.

First of all, we focus on the creation of business-oriented features. Then, we apply the Box-Cox transformations on all features, trying to find the ones that best fit in terms of discrimination ability. Finally, we merge the rest of the categories with low discrimination ability, and apply PCA to try to reduce the dimensionality of the attributes.

Business-oriented features:

  • RFM(Recency, Frequency, and Monetary value);
  • Number of campaigns accepted;
  • Proportion of money spent in each product (wines, meat, gold products, etc.);
  • Monetary value (total spent);
  • Buy potential (proportion of total spent and income);
  • Frequency of product shopping.

Now we apply the Box-Cox Transformation.

A Box-Cox transformation is a way to transform non-normal dependent variables into a normal shape. Normality is an important assumption for many statistical techniques; if your data isn’t normal, applying a Box-Cox means that you are able to run a broader number of tests.

Best Power Transformation for each feature:
-> NumCatalogPurchases sqrt
-> NumStorePurchases sqrt
-> NumWebVisitsMonth sqrt
-> Days_Customer **2
-> PrpGoldProds **1/4
-> NmbAccCmps x
-> PrpAccCmps x
-> PrpWines sqrt
-> PrpFruits sqrt
-> PrpMeat sqrt
-> PrpFish **1/4
-> Mnt **2
-> BuyPot exp
-> Freq **2
-> RFM **2

Now we merge the less significant categories and we get dummy variables for the left ones. Then we apply PCA, which can either lead to a good summarization of the data or an excessive loss of information. Note that it is not correct to use categorical variables for principal component analysis.

The main idea of principal component analysis (PCA) is to reduce the dimensionality of a data set consisting of many variables correlated with each other, either heavily or lightly, while retaining the variation present in the dataset, up to the maximum extent.

from sklearn.decomposition import PCAcolumns = X_train.columns
columns = columns.drop(['Kidhome','Teenhome','NumberOff','AcceptedCmp3', 'AcceptedCmp4', 'AcceptedCmp5', 'AcceptedCmp1','AcceptedCmp2', 'Complain', 'Response', 'Marital_Status_bin', 'Education_bin', 'HasOffspring'])pca = PCA(n_components=2)
principalComponents = pca.fit_transform(X_train[columns])
principalComponents_test = pca.transform(X_test[columns])X_train["pc1"] = principalComponents[:,0]
X_train["pc2"] = principalComponents[:,1]
X_test["pc1"] = principalComponents_test[:,0]
X_test["pc2"] = principalComponents_test[:,1]

Feature Selection

Feature selection is the process of selecting a subset of relevant features for use in model construction. There is a variety of tests that can be used to measure the worth of the attributes, but the one we use is the Chi-Square test. Here is the graph of how each attribute performed.

Figure 8— Features’ worth

We are selecting the 15 features with highest score to model the data.

Data Modeling

The training set is imbalanced, so the first step is fix this issue.

Figure 9 — Dataset balance

from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTEsmote = SMOTE()
X_train, y_train = smote.fit_resample(X_train, y_train)y_train.value_counts().plot(kind='bar', title='Count (target)');

After having applied the oversampling technique we can proceed to the modeling step.

Now applying a Logistic Regression.

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_scoreLR = LogisticRegression(), y_train)y_pred = LR.predict(X_test)
print('ROC score: {}'.format(roc_auc_score(y_test, y_pred)))

ROC score: 0.98


In this article is described how Machine Learning can serve as a tool for targeted marketing. It also showed all the steps of how to do that. Obviously, this is a toy example, and it is not likely that the performance of the model will be this high in a real case scenario.

Anyway, even if the model reaches a score of about 85%, which is pretty reasonable, the profit margin will suffer a significant boost by eliminating unnecessary contacts.

Feel free to check out my code or message me on my LinkedIn.

This article was originally published by Rodolfo saldanha on medium.


Created by

Rodolfo Saldanha







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