
If You Want to Be Successful, Stop Taking Failure Personally

The reason? Learning is the longest phase of your career.


Joshua Idegbere

3 years ago | 3 min read


You’re probably doing your best, but it seems you’re not making any headway. And that you’re probably not cut out for it. And want to just quit and go for something else.

But here is a simple truth of life:

The biggest mistake is to quit because you’ve failed to reach your goal at a new venture.

The reason is that every celebrated successful career person you see around once failed. Not just that, they got discouraged and were presented the option to quit just like you.

The reason is simple. However, many people don’t acknowledge it:

  • Learning is the longest phase of your career journey. And far as the journey to success is concerned, every one of its candidates must go through it. If you don’t learn, you can’t be successful.

That’s why you’re going through that experience right now.

Back to our dear successful career person.

You're just like him while he was starting out. But the difference between the two of you is this:

  • The successful career person made a clever decision earlier on in that career: to persevere no matter what. But that’s not all.

Deciding to persevere is not enough.

Most quitters decided not to quit, but they couldn’t live up to it when the wind of failure hits their boats so hard.

Those who sustained perseverance until they became successful did something more. They approached failure differently. That’s how they could sustain their perseverance.

How To Approach Failure Differently to Ensure Perseverance.

Deciding to persevere is never enough.

The decision to persevere is one thing. It is another thing to sustain perseverance.

There was a writer I introduced to Medium, about 19 months ago.

Before I told him about Medium, he showed me file upon files containing his thoughts and musings. When I saw it, I was sure he was would rock writing steadily till thy kingdom come.

His zeal was palpable.

He published three articles the first week and sent me the links. He was the most passionate writer I came across. He had talent and content.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t continue. And for a very familiar reason: he was constantly taking failure too personal and so he couldn’t sustain his decision to persevere.

That's why I stated earlier that the biggest mistake starters can make is to quit because of failure to reach an expectation or desired goal.

But can I tell you this? Learning is the longest phase of your career journey. And so you’re going to fail your way to success.


To fail is one of the most difficult pills to swallow, but to succeed, you have to approach the journey to achievement as successful people do.

Stop taking failure too personally.

The secret to sustaining your perseverance is to never take failure personally. People who take failure personally, get discouraged and quit even in spite of their talent and zeal.

Beware. Stop taking failure personally. Accept it as a necessary experience in the journey to success.

If you don't fail, you won't learn, and if you don't learn and get better, you can't achieve success.

Failing isn’t a curse; learn to embrace it.

Failure is a necessary experience in the journey to success.

Failure can be powerful.
It can puncture your perseverance in no time.

However, if you can embrace it, it will lose its power. That means sustained perseverance for you. That is the secret behind sustainable long-term perseverance: to deactivate the power of failure to puncture your perseverance.

That is the best approach to the eventual failure experiences in your pursuit to achieve success.

Don't take failure personally. Instead, embrace it. There is no better mindset to progressing faster at learning the lesson that leads to success.

Success is difficult if you take failure personally.


Created by

Joshua Idegbere

I am Joshua Idegbere and this is my column. Stories with actionable tips to help you make the most of your life, career and relationships. Welcome!







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